On April 25, 2013
Recently I looked at some stats for Google searches and saw that the question ‘What is a stakeholder?’ has a significantly high number of searches which I thought was interesting. Wikipedia says a stakeholder is a person, group, organization, member or system who affects or can be affected by an organisation’s actions. I am comfortable...
On March 27, 2013
Less than twenty years ago, consultation wasn’t really a consideration in the planning process. In 1994, Socom wrote the consultation manual for Moreland City Council. It was the first consultation manual written for a local government in Victoria. Today, consultation and engagement is part of the planning vernacular. Yet it is still often given only...
On August 10, 2012
Albert Bartlett is an innovative thinker. Professor Albert is known for his work in quirky mathematics and its application to weighty questions of modern life. Population for one. He uses the analogy of a Petri dish containing organisms that are multiplying and points out that although it took a long time to half fill the...
On August 6, 2012
What an interesting way to treat a customer who takes the time to write to you and tell you that your service isn’t up to scratch. Rather than write and thank the customer, Rex decides to write an insulting letter back (Australian Financial Review, p 11, 31 July 2012). The article includes phrases from a...
On March 20, 2012
If you’ve ever had to call an organisation several times to get a response, been placed on hold only to face a hang up, or given up waiting for someone to answer your query, you understand how it feels to be undervalued. Surely answering the phone or returning a phone call can’t be too difficult....